Nemesis is a combat game with miniatures set in the magical world of Miter, a place where ancient races clash in an acient war. In it, you take control of a force composed of small specilist warriors units and their heroic leaders in an agile, dynamic and high content tactical fighting.
Cult of the Thousand Faces, descendants of those who were exiled by Janos. They are huge and bloodthirsty beings that implant into themselves and pray to small stone faces…
The other side there are the Notalive, imperfect and sinful creations of the ancient Serifans, those beings from other world that wanted to steal from God his power to infuse life, and that is why they were damned…
The Notalive try to imitate us and hat is why they dress up like us and try to establish a parody of our noble society in the ruins of what once was the dwelling of the Serifan, the remains of the Sajarmoe tower…
And the Orphans and their home, Arbonte, the Living Forest, infant spirits of wars passed that…
There is nothing remarkable, they are ordinary human beings: they walk upright, they have 4 extremities and 5 fingers at the end of each one of them and they do not seem especially suitable for any function, although they are extremely versatile. In fact, from my travels I can assure that they are able to adapt to practically any environment. They are basically the same in all regions of Míter. Their height, body size, skin tone, hair or eye color vary … superfluous details that do not alter their general appearance; a design that, in fact, is repeated by hundreds of worlds. Maybe there is more to them than I will ever see …
Orphans are ordinary Human children. They are dressed in rags, leaves and cut, whoosh and try to pretend that they are large insects, but all this is still a ruse to scare off the curious. Physically they are no different from any other youth in the God Realm. However, it is worth noting their apparent immortality, since they seem to be suspended in time. But this singular condition has no direct relationship with them or their physical or esoteric capacities and is due to an external element.